Maturity: The Unending Trap

Maturity: Comes with Age or Experience

It’s been a topic of debate for the word Maturity that does it comes with age or experiences. Lots of people say it comes with age and few say it comes with experiences who is right here? I think both are right as I said it’s a topic of debate but today we are not going to debate here but will show some facts that show maturity never comes it just an unending trap of life. Yes you read it right it’s an unending trap but how. I will tell you, you may have observed a diabetic person (who is old) but still, he asks for sugar or sweets to eat so what would we say is immature, no you read above that maturity comes with age then what except more than a 65-year-old man.

So one thing it is clear here is that maturity does not come up with age but can come with experiences and with the growing age you get experience. So here is a question does experience only come up with age? No, there are different sorts of person who think differently yes it is true that when you are growing in your life you get some experience but not every. So one thing is clear maturity can come up with experiences doesn’t matter what your age is, it just matters when an individual gets an experience of something.

A men who is thinking 

How to Get Maturity?

There is nothing rocket science to get maturity in life, with the experiences whether it's good or bad we made choices every time and that’s necessary. When we made choices we also made consequences of that choice well some people know about the consequences and some don’t. so maturity is the key factor that depends on personal choices and how he reacts to them when a person gets himself engage in taking care of him, happiness, and the things that get in the way because of his choices.

When a person takes responsibility for his actions whether it's good or bad then we can say he is mature enough because without excusing accepting mistakes or even the credit. A person who is sensitive to others and having the ability to change and adapt to circumstances is known to be mature person. But child like behaviour in any age can just be a matter of choice he wants to show.

How a Mature Person Behaves?

Every person behaves same but there are some certain situation where some unique  behaviour is require and thats the time you can recognize and differentiate between mature and immature person.

So what are the key points by which we can identify a mature person lets take a look;

·       A person who never runs from his responsibility, he always take care of his promises and responsibility.

·       He always used to learn new things and make himself updated according to situations.

·       He communicates clearly and he will not be uncomfortable in telling what he actually wants in his life. But its also seen lot of people did not say things clearly we called them smart.

·       He knows his boundaries and did cross the limit.

·       Taking care of everything and a optimistic person sounds mature.

This all points are just observation-based some might not be applicable in real life because every person have some different situation and we can't accept the same behaviour every time from him.

Few more things like realizing how much you don’t know or you are not aware of can be a sign of maturity because immature thinks he knows everything. In a life full of twist and turns we even forget to be happy and that’s most important bu a mature person always take care of his love ones and himself to be happy. It is also a fact that mature people talik less and listen more ( but don’t judge by anyone from this)…

The Final Verdict

All the things we have read is based on factual and observation-based but as we talked in the starting, maturity is nothing is just an unending trap. How it is an unending trap? It's not difficult to answer this question as the answer is in the question itself because at every on every small mistake people will tell you that you are immature and to not do mistakes we are not God.

Lots of time situation are not under our control and people called it wrong decision and call immaturity. So we cant stand and build ourself as the world wants but we can build ourself in a manner we want and can learn the basic things from our past mistakes and can implement in life.

Maturity is nothing it's all about the wrong and good decision moreover our life actions, that makes any person mature and good decision only come up after bad decision.


“People used to get success from the good decision and good decision come up from experience and experience come up from bad decision”.

All of this is interconnected and that what we have to learn.

Thanks !!

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